If you could plug your body into a machine that filtered out your stress and gave you a temporary reprieve would you do it? Imagine also that the device is free of charge, you can take it with you anywhere, and it provides immediate effects. I don't know about you but I'm all in for that.
The thing is, you are already equipped with this and just need to learn how to properly use it. The lungs are a brilliant purification device, and paired with timed breathing and positive thinking, stress can be filtered out of your body. The best news (after it being free99) is that it is so easy. Even my ten year old can do it. For those of you familiar with this type of breathing, whether called Box Breathing, Yoga breaths, or Navy Seal breathing, you might already know that this will have immediate benefits to the body, mind, and spirit. I have added a twist to this exercise, so be sure to read through it all.
Immediately lower blood pressure
Immediately lower high pulse rates
Gain control over thought processes
Access purified air
Release tension from the body
Briefly rest the mind
Focus on positivity and calmness
Gain control over your responses
How To Do It
Begin by slowly breathing in through your nose for a count of 3 seconds. As you breathe in, try to "breathe" from below your belly button. All of the best, purified air is down there deep in your lungs just waiting to be used.
Then, hold your breath for another 3 seconds.
Finally, breathe out slowly through your mouth for the last 3 seconds. Plan to repeat this process until you feel relaxed, in control, and ready to make a brief action plan to positively address the stressor(s) impacting your life.
"Breathing, according to me, corresponds to taking charge of one’s own life." ~Luce Irigaray, Between East and West
With a Twist
After you have a feel for the breathing, there is a powerful way to increase the benefits of this exercise. As you breathe in, tell yourself, "I am breathing in calm," (or peace, healing, control, love, or whatever it is you need in that moment).
As you pause, be aware that you are cleansing your body of toxins, and your mind of negative thoughts. This pause is a blessing, a moment of healing. You can identify tension spots and relax them with the exhale.
As you breathe out, tell yourself, "I am breathing out stress," (or tension, fear, pain, anger, or whatever it is you need to release in that moment). Gently push out the stress as you relax your body and feel the anxiety leave.
Make It Your Own
Find a breathing pattern that works for you by increasing or decreasing the seconds on all 3 steps. Examples are 8-6-8 for deep relaxation. 2-2-2 for children, or 4-2-4 for tension release. Do what feels best for your body. Feel free to experiment and try Grounding, Gratitude, or Aromatherapy to incorporate with the breathing.
This simple but powerful practice can and will change your life and how you respond to stress. Start this today and begin to feel better and take your power back over your life.
With love and blessings,
The deep breathing is something that really works for me. I also find it very helpful to add one of my favorite scents. I like to burn one of my favorite candles while doing the deep breathing. Hope you try it.