Each of us, all over the world, are being impacted by the current state of global crisis. One really important thing to keep in mind is that stress compounds over time and our mental, physical, and spiritual health can really take a hit. Use these daily techniques to restore yourself.
Take a Break
Actually, take about ten breaks, all staggered throughout the day. Take a break from teaching fourth grade math, or from cleaning the kitchen yet again, or from social media and the news, or from reality in general. Let the kids watch a show or play video games long enough for you to read a book chapter, take a bath, stretch, go for a walk, make a healthy snack, or call a loved one for a visit. These can be just fifteen minutes throughout your day. Remember that this is a purposeful break meant to recharge you.
Accept That You Can Only Do So Much
The house does not need to be immaculate even if you are there all the time. In fact, it can't be immaculate because, guess what, you are there all the time. And if your kids' grades are struggling, that's okay too. We have a great invention called community college where he or she can start if needed and get the same educational start for a fraction of the cost and doesn't need a 3.5 GPA to enroll. Focus on the things that keep you and your loved ones connected right now. That is most important.
Connect with Others
Speaking of staying connected, there are still ways to do it despite being physically apart. A good old fashioned phone call can be healing. Call your funniest, craziest friend and have a glass of wine "together". My Grams is sheltering with us (she is 91 and adorable) and we sent out care packages to family and friends with hats she had made to lift their spirits. Send someone a card or a little gift; the magic behind this is that you will both feel better.
Try Something New
Learning a new thing, especially if it is fun and not too frustrating, can pull our brain's attention away from negativity to focus on the new information. Master a new yoga pose, or try an easy recipe, or watch something fascinating on an Ancient Civilization. Do a home day spa, or rearrange a room, or try playing one of your kids' video games. Just keep your brain moving with new information and you will feel a lot better.
This has to happen. Anything you find funny, get your hands on as much of it as you can. Try to incorporate it into your daily life. Watch comedians or animal videos or old episodes of your favorite show. I love old Saturday Night Lives with popcorn and a root beer; it gets me out of my mind for awhile. And there is science behind laughing, it's not just feel good stuff. There is actually a chemical reaction that occurs and helps to balance our systems and lower stress.
There is science behind this too, and evidence that tears can flush out toxins from our systems. If you need to let it out, go ahead. We are only human and have a crying mechanism for a reason. My advice on this one is to let it all out, then do some cleansing deep breaths, and distract yourself with something positive, creative, or productive.
Get Outside
Being near nature is proven to significantly reduce stress levels. Kick your shoes off and put your feet on the Earth if you can. Pay attention to every single one of your senses and to what you are grateful for. What do you hear, see, smell? Take a deep breath, then another, and experience this moment that is happening right now.
Move Your Body
Whatever exercises you can do will be really beneficial to your immune system as well as help keep sanity intact. Stretching in particular is excellent for circulation and gentle strengthening. It also helps to prevent injuries by keeping muscles flexible and strong. The goal here is to break a light sweat, which means toxins are flushing out and happy hormones are being released.
Many of my students use music therapy to get through stressful times. Put on your favorite songs, or listen to something completely new, or dance about in your underwear. Sing along regardless of being off key or even tone deaf. Just get out of your own head for awhile.
Take A Drive
Music can be paired with taking a drive. I recommend back roads where the stress of traffic or people who can't use a roundabout won't frustrate you. Roll down the windows, or blast the AC, or whatever works for where you are. Pick a scenic area and park to just enjoy the view and some peace and quiet.
Seek Help If Needed
If you begin feeling desperate, or hopeless, or unable to move forward, that is the time to get backup from either trusted loved ones or a professional. There is zero shame in wanting some support or not knowing how to move forward. If someone you knew needed help you would offer support or want them to find someone who could teach ways to get through it, right? But the deal is we all need to be okay being on the other end of that at times and reaching out for help when we need it.
It's Not Permanent
This crisis will eventually pass. Try to keep in mind that adjustments and discomfort will only be for a temporary amount of time. It is difficult not knowing what that time frame looks like on a calendar, but keep your focus on doing what you can today to either plan for the future or just get through right now. Take care of your health and sanity so that when things do change you will be in an emotionally good enough place to embrace it.
Don't Take It Personally
This last one is my absolute favorite. Stressful times will either bring out the best in people, the worst in people, or a strange mixture of both. I'm a counselor and I see every day what crises can do to people. You will encounter rudeness, ignorance, and an utter lack of common sense or empathy. When you are faced with this, keep in mind how horribly sad it would be if you couldn't see past yourself, or had never been taught basic manners or human decency. Someone acting rude or disrespectful does not ever, ever, deserve your attention after the fact. It's their behavioral problem, not yours, I promise, so walk away and put it out of your mind forever.
We will get through this and things will shift to a better place.
Love and blessings,